Bringing Associations Together To Boost Performance



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Latest Resources

Register of Members 2023

Register of Members

The importance of understanding the rights of members relating to the Register of Members (‘Register’) was once again emphasised in the legal dispute between Mr Lawrence and Melbourne Football Club (‘the Club’) in 2022. Mr Lawrence, a member of the Club, sought a copy of their register…

10 tips for Association finances

John Peacock, CEO of Associations Forum, has written 10 tips for Association finances.  Avoid using the term "not-for-profit". Tell staff as much, or more, about the finances as the Board. Always start with the balance sheet. Use activity-based costing. Prepare accurate and modern financial statements. Manage the funds as if they were your own. Allocate staff costs to specific projects, not overhead. Have a Finance…

Not-for-profits – enhancing the transparency of income tax exemptions

On 11 May 2021, as part of the 2021–22 federal Budget, the Australian Government announced reforms to the administration of not-for-profit (NFP) entities that self-assess as income tax exempt. The measure is designed to enhance trust and confidence in the sector by ensuring only eligible NFPs access income tax exemptions, and that NFP and for-profit entities operate on a level playing field. From 1 July 2023, NFPs with an active Australian business number (ABN) will be required to lodge…

Work car Fringe Benefits Tax obligations

Providing a work car to your employees can be a great incentive. If you provide a car to an employee for their private use, you may need to pay fringe benefits tax (FBT).   You make a car available for private use by an employee on any day that the car is either: actually used for private purposes by an employee available for the private use of the employee. A car is considered available for your employee's private use when it is: used to…

Changes to eligibility for not-for-profits

The namespace serves Australia’s large and important not-for-profit and charity sectors so it is key that the community can have trust and confidence in auDA's role is to administer the rules for who can register an domain name. A new set of rules for .au domain names is coming into effect on 12 April 2021. These new rules streamline and build on our existing rules and contain some key changes to help build and maintain trust in the .au domain. In…

Director Identification Numbers to be introduced in 2021

The Director Identification Number (DIN) is a unique identifier for current directors, or people who want to become directors, of a company or a registered body. The DIN is expected to commence in 2021 and will apply to some associations. Will the DIN apply to your association?The DIN will apply to associations that are companies limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act 2001. It will not apply to associations incorporated under the State and Territory Associations…

Holding AGMs during COVID-19


The following notes have been taken from an Associations Forum Governance Webinar, held on 28 April 2020, Chaired by Kathy Nguyen, Associations Forum. When considering your options for AGMs, you must ensure there is a reasonable opportunity for members to participate ie. hear speakers, make comments, ask questions or vote. Your options include: Postponing the AGM Holding a virtual AGM

Working from home: WHS safety laws

Workplace Laws

WHS laws still apply to businesses whose workers are required to work from home.  Employers must still ensure, as far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of their workers. The worker also has a responsibility to take reasonable care for his or her own health and safety, including complying with reasonable instructions given by the employer or…

New resource to assist registered organisations

The Registered Organisations Commission has acknowledged difficulties complying with COVID-19 obligations, including restrictions on gatherings and other social distancing measures, and has advised in relation to meetings held via telephone or online technology. The ROC has issued a guidance note to assist registered organisations who are experiencing this challenge. Click…

Cut hours, stand down, or redundancy?


As COVID-19 devastates your members' businesses large and small, employers are being faced with a dreadful dilemma: should we cut hours, stand down staff or make people redundant?The reality is - no one wants to lay staff off. However, your desire to do the right thing and keep workers employed could backfire on you unless you are careful and get good advice pertinent to your particularly circumstances.Many employers believe that standing down employees is an easier or…

Navigating event cancellations

The association and not-for-profit sector has encountered a number of unforeseen issues since the greater impacts of coronavirus were felt globally. Along with mass redundancies across all sectors, many associations have been forced to cancel major conferences, meetings and events.  The following notes have been drafted by Matt Crouch Legal and cover a few considerations about the legal implications of event cancellations, which was discussed in a webinar with…

ATO economic response for NFP's


ATO has outlined upcoming cash flow boosts in response to the economic impact of coronavirus.  Your NFP is eligible if you: employ staff held an ABN on 12 March 2020 and continue to be active have an aggregate annual turnover of less than $50 million (generally based on prior year turnover) made eligible payments that you are required to withhold from (even if the amount you need to withhold is zero). Charities registered with the Australian…

Early access to superannuation


The Federal Government has announced measures regarding superannuation in order to provide further support to Australians who have been impacted by the Coronavirus pandemic. Early access to superannuation Usually, superannuation benefits can only be accessed once an individual meets a condition of release. The Government is temporarily allowing individuals affected by the Coronavirus early access of up to $10,000 from their superannuation balance for the 2019/2020…

Stimulus Incentives for Not-for-profits


As part of a second stimulus package in response to the economic support through the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Federal Government has now included support for Australia's charity and not-for-profit sector. Below is a summary of measures included in the new plan: Support for Not-for-profits: Not-for-profits…

Relief for directors from insolvency


The Federal Government announced that directors would be exempt from personal liability for trading while insolvent for six months as part of its response to COVID-19. The economic impacts of the Coronavirus and health measures to prevent its spread could see many otherwise profitable and viable businesses temporarily face financial distress. It is important that these businesses have a safety net to make sure that when the crisis has passed they can resume normal business…

Board succession planning

Strategic Planning

Directors are temporary custodians of the association they serve. Part of their responsibility is to ensure the existence of a succession plan to enable continued good governance. Associations Forum’s Denys Correll provides some tips to help you with your succession planning.

External Reviews improve associations

Strategic Planning

By John Peacock AM, CEO, Associations ForumIndependent expert analysis of an association via an External Review allows a fresh perspective that will boost the effectiveness of an association. One of the magical aspects of associations is that many of them are very much the same - yet also completely different. Certainly, the causes pursued are distinct, ranging from avocados to banking, construction, dentistry, education…
Higher Logic January 2025
Membes February 2025