Bringing Associations Together To Boost Performance


Membership & Marketing

Member recruitment and retention is crucial to the future of membership organisations whether they be associations, societies, institutes, clubs or charities. Although their structures may vary, the issues they face are very similar.

Associations Forum membership resources provide you with expert advice on boosting membership and looking after your existing members; the lifeblood of your organisation.

Establishing your not-for-profit (NFP) brand and engaging your audience, or members, is not always easy. Marketing your organisation’s services and ‘message’ in an appealing and targeted way requires strategy and planning, and requires a consistent approach. Done well, it can make a big difference to the bottom line and plays an important role in the recruitment and retention of members and supporters.

Using effective forms of communication which suit your audience and the aims of your organisation are as important for running a successful NFP as with commercial organisations. In the electronic age, this also does not have to mean a big financial outlay. Communicating through email, your website, media releases and the like are all effective.

These resources, written by experts in this field, will help guide you in many aspects of marketing and communications such as branding, public relations, copywriting and advertising to name a few.

Latest Membership & Marketing Resources

Annual Reports: An investment, not an expense

Annual Reports

  With the continued pressure not-for-profits face on their finances, it is tempting for some to cease preparing an Annual Report. However, this is a short-sighted measure, and it is in the interests of all not-for-profits to produce some type of Annual Report. Annual Reports are an insight As part of our research into the not-for-profit sector, Associations Forum reviews many Annual Reports each year. Much can be gleaned by a non-member about the NFP from their Annual Report,…

Branding for NFPs


What creates a strong brand? If we asked a random group of consumers their unprompted recall of not-for-profit organisations most would nominate the usual big charities such as the ‘Salvos’, Red Cross and the Heart Foundation. Others might recall a professional or industry association connected with their work and others a charity that relates to a personal interest. Does your brand have personality? While some think this should all be left to the commercial organisations, others…

Five tips to run your magazine on time

Print Publications

If you're in charge of your association magazine or newsletter, chances are you know the feeling of panic when you're running behind schedule. Maybe you've been scrambling for last-minute articles, or awaiting approval from a fastidious CEO, or perhaps your graphic designer has caught the flu. Sometimes delays are unavoidable, but you can reduce your blood pressure – and even have fun putting the magazine together – by following these five simple tips. Create…

Becoming a must join Association

Annual Reports

There are many occupations that wish to be considered a ‘profession’. This article discusses the foundations for a profession, and concludes with how an association of professionals can increase the value of membership through an ‘aspirational branded designation’. Eight considerations for associations of professionals are presented. These points are called considerations as they are not prerequisites for a successful profession. Knowledge and the public good Clare Bellis,…

22 Ways to Boost Membership

Annual Reports

Members are at the core of not-for-profit organisations. They provide financial and human resources to perform the work of the association. A healthy membership leads to a vital organisation, yet even strong groups need to pay close attention to boosting membership numbers. With a large marketing and promotion budget, associations could accelerate membership growth, but few organisations enjoy the luxury of ample funding. Therefore, we have to ‘think smart’ to utilise…
MCEC Sept 2024