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Updated guidance on managing data and privacy

The ACNC has updated guidance on managing people’s information and data, helping charities better understand their obligations under privacy law.

The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), the privacy and freedom of information regulator, collaborated with the ACNC on this work, in response to the evolving digital landscape and increasing need for organisations to address cyber security risks and data privacy concerns.

The updated guidance provides clear steps for charities to safeguard personal data, ensuring they comply with legal obligations and adhere to best practice. Key areas covered include data collection, secure storage and handling of personal information, as well as the importance of transparency in how charities manage individuals’ data to build trust with donors, beneficiaries and volunteers.

The ACNC’s guidance aligns with the OAIC’s updated privacy guidance for not-for-profits, including charities, which outlines specific considerations regarding consent management, data breach response and ensuring that the information of volunteers and beneficiaries is handled with care.

Read the updated ACNC guidance on managing people’s information and data.

Taken from the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Media Release on October 23, 2024.

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