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News from July 2024

Soft May retail sales as Australians grapple with cost-of-living crunch

Australian retail sales remained subdued in May 2024, with a modest increase of 1.7% compared to the same month last year – and most discretionary categories remaining in decline. The latest data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) revealed May’s retail spending totalled $35.9 billion nationwide. Other retailing – including cosmetics, sports and recreational goods – saw the strongest growth in May (up 3%) year-on-year along with the staple category of food (up 3%). Cafes,…

Senate report opens door to cut industry’s ASIC levies

The SMSF Association will urge the Federal Government to implement a key recommendation in the Senate Economics References Committee report into ASIC that calls for a complete overhaul of the regulator’s funding model. The highly critical report, titled ASIC Investigation and Enforcement, strongly recommends that more of ASIC’s funding should be derived directly from the proceeds of regulatory fines and less from industry levies. SMSF Association CEO Peter Burgess said: “We fully…

Lyndal Macpherson to depart ASUM

"As many of you already know, after a fulfilling and transformative tenure, I have decided to step down as the Chief Executive Officer of the Australasian Society for Ultrasound in Medicine (ASUM). This decision comes with mixed emotions, as I reflect on the incredible journey we've had together and the milestones we've achieved.Over eight years at ASUM, I have had the privilege of working alongside a passionate team dedicated to advancing ultrasound practices and education. Here are…

Partner News: Governology - lodge an annual self-review form

As the 2023-24 income year approaches, non-charitable not-for-profits with an active ABN will be required to lodge an annual self-review form to access an income tax exemption. The 2023–24 NFP self-review return must be lodged between 1 July and 31 October 2024. Governology lawyers would be pleased to assist your professional or industry association or other for-purpose organisation in clarifying your income tax position. Governology can advise…

World Vision Australia backpays $6 million it underpaid staff

World Vision Australia has back-paid more than $6 million to staff after the charity self-reported underpayments to the Fair Work Ombudsman in 2019. The underpayments occurred due to compliance issues, the charity said, and were discovered after an internal review. In total, 3000 current and former employees across the country were underpaid more than $4.6 million in wages and entitlements including minimum wages, penalty rates and overtime, leave entitlements and allowances, according…

James Goodwin departs Airports Association

In a post to his LinkedIn account, Goodwin described his tenure, which began in May 2020 after he succeeded Caroline Wilkie as a "rewarding four years which started by navigating the challenges of COVID for one of the first and hardest hit sectors.""Three Ministers for Infrastructure and Transport, scores of policy and regulatory submissions including the Aviation Green Paper, multiple parliamentary inquiries and countless media appearances representing and advocating for the airport…

Josh Griggs confirmed as ACS Chief Executive Officer

The Australian Computer Society, the professional association for Australia’s technology sector, today announced Josh Griggs has been appointed as permanent CEO effective 1 July after serving six months in an interim capacity. Helen McHugh, ACS President said: “Josh has impressed the Management Committee with his focus on realigning ACS to deliver value to members and build on the organisation’s position as the voice of Australia’s ICT professionals. “Since stepping…

How to gain Board support for your next IT investment - Key Takeaways

Sometimes it can be a struggle to gain funding support for much needed IT investments. If you have financial reserves, perhaps the real problem is in how you communicate your needs to your Board. Boards are taught by the Australian Institute of Company Directors and similar organisations that their main responsibilities as directors evolve around three things: Governance and Risk Mitigation Strategy Financial Sustainability For Associations,…

Science & Technology Australia welcomes Ryan Winn as new CEO

Science & Technology Australia welcomes its new Chief Executive Officer, Ryan Winn, who started in the key leadership role on Wednesday.  Ryan joins STA after a long and distinguished career in research leadership and the Australian Public Service driving complex policy issues, including in the Departments of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and Education. He was most recently the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Council of Learned Academies…

The Paradox of AI-Assisted Communication

In the digital age, artificial intelligence (AI) tools have become increasingly widespread in our daily lives, particularly in the area of communications. One such application is the use of AI tools to write emails. While these tools can be incredibly helpful, they can also create a unique set of challenges when the person using the tool has poor English language skills in real life interactions. This article explores these issues and their implications.

ECIA appoints Sally Moore as its new CEO

On behalf of the Chair, Liz Kelly and the Board of the Early Childhood Intervention Australia - Victoria/Tasmania, ECIA is delighted to announce the appointment of Sally Moore as new Chief Executive Officer. A dedicated professional with thirty years of experience in the early childhood and primary education spaces, Sally has worked in NSW, Victoria, and Hong Kong. She has spent the last fifteen years specialising in disability, much of this time in early childhood intervention…

Membes February 2025
Higher Logic January 2025