Australian Airports Association appoints new CEO
The Australian Airports Association (AAA), the national voice of Australia’s airports, has appointed Simon Westaway as its new Chief Executive Officer.
With more than 25 years of senior executive experience, Mr Westaway brings a wealth of knowledge to the role.
Mr Westaway has a long association with aviation and travel, having previously held executive positions at Qantas Group’s Jetstar, Tourism Australia, regional airline Impulse, and as Executive Director of the Australian Tourism Industry Council.
AAA Chair Kym Meys said Mr Westaway’s appointment reflected his depth of industry knowledge and pedigree for successfully engaging with the highest levels of government.
“As we navigate through major reforms in the aviation sector, including the initiatives of the Aviation White Paper, we’re thankful to have Simon joining the AAA team,” Ms Meys said.
“Aviation continues to recover from the setbacks of the Covid-19 pandemic and Simon is well placed to help address the industry’s issues and deliver outcomes for our members and passengers.”
Mr Westaway said he was excited to be working on behalf of Australia’s critical $105 billion airports sector and the fundamental role they play across the national economy.
“Australia’s airports and aerodromes are essential in connecting people and produce throughout our country and the world,” Mr Westaway said.
“These are promising, but rapidly evolving times for Australia’s aviation industry, which remains one of the world’s strongest.
“However, international and domestic passenger levels in Australia still haven’t recovered to optimal pre-pandemic levels, although Australians are steadily flying again in strong numbers.
“This year we’ve seen serious challenges in the domestic sector on full display with the financial collapses of both Bonza and Rex Airlines, impacting competition in our concentrated local market.
“Regional and remote airports continue to deal with the fallout from Rex’s voluntary administration and I know many residents in those communities are anxious about the airline’s future. We’ll continue to work diligently to ensure air access into these communities can be sustainably retained.
“The AAA team I’ll lead will drive a constructive, considered and recognised voice in the interests of good outcomes for our members, the flying public and the communities our airports serve.”
Mr Westaway will formally commence as CEO of the AAA on 4 November.
The AAA also extends sincere thanks to Greg Fordham OAM who has served as interim CEO of the organisation.
“Greg is one of the most passionate advocates for the airport sector and his expertise and advice has been so valuable for our members,” Ms Meys said.
The AAA is the national voice for airports, representing the interests of more than 340 airports and aerodromes across Australia – from community landing strips to major international gateway airports. It also represents more than 150 corporate members supplying products and services to airports.
AAA Media: 0429 650 552
Taken from the Australian Airports Association Media Release on October 2, 2024.