COSBOA announces the resignation of CEO, Alexi Boyd
The CEO of the Council of Small Business Organisations Australia (COSBOA), Alexi Boyd, has notified the Board of her resignation.
COSBOA wishes to thank Alexi for her leadership, advocacy and collaboration with members and stakeholders while CEO of the nation’s peak small business body.
Board Chairman Matthew Addison said Ms Boyd had led our organisation during a critical period in which Australian small businesses had been navigating the ongoing impact of the pandemic, rising costs, staff shortages, the impact of natural disasters and the increased threat of cyber attacks.
“As CEO, Alexi has skilfully represented the interests of small business in two federal budgets, and a federal election. In addition, she has worked collaboratively with a new federal parliament to meet the diverse needs of our members during a time of major upheaval,” Mr Addison said.
“Alexi represented small business at the Jobs and Skills Summit, initiated and led the development of the COSBOA Cyber Wardens initiative with sponsorship from corporate Australia, advocated for consideration of small business in Consumer Data Rights and the Respect @ Work legislation, for government-funded family and domestic violence leave, and established COSBOA’s quarterly Small Business Data Report.
“The Board wishes Alexi the very best for her future business endeavours and is grateful to her for being an incredible champion of small business in Australia.”
Ms Boyd said she was proud of the work she had done to elevate the group nationally in representing the complex area of small business.
“It has been an incredible 18 months and I feel this is the best decision for both me personally and COSBOA,” Ms Boyd said.
“After time spent at home over the summer break I now plan to spend more time with my family. I look forward to keeping engaged with COSBOA’s future and will always be on hand to help out.”
Alexi will finish with COSBOA on 25 January 2023. Board Chairman Matthew Addison will oversee CEO activities during this time with the assistance of members of the Board, COSBOA chief operating officer Will Harris and head of engagement Catherine Donnan.
A formal process for recruitment of a CEO will begin shortly.
All enquiries in relation to this matter should be directed to COSBOA Board Chair Matthew Addison.
Taken from COSBOA 9 January 2023 Media Release.