Bringing Associations Together To Boost Performance


Commonwealth Government establishes a Charter of Partnerships and Engagement

The Commonwealth Government is establishing a Charter of Partnerships and Engagement (the Charter) and wishes to invite associations across Australia to help shape it as part of the Government’s APS Reform Agenda.

The Minister for the Public Service, the Hon Katy Gallagher, announced in October 2022 a commitment to developing a clear statement across the public service about what person-centred public administration means to deliver onpriority two of the APS Reform Agenda: An APS that puts people and business at the centre of policy and services. The Charter would look to commit Government to a set of principles for improving the way the APS includes the Australian people in development of policy and services.

The APS Reform Office in the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet is holding online webinars with considered stakeholders, peak bodies, associations, and community organisations to help define and test aspirational principles for a proposed Charter that would resonate with the Australian public. We anticipate to hold small online webinars on the following dates:

• 18 July 2023 1pm – 2pm AEST
• 20 July 2023 11am – 12pm AEST
• 25 July 2023 11am – 12pm AEST

Participation of CEOs or their representative is welcomed in these online webinars to help shape the conversation. If you would like to attend, please indicate a preferred time and RSVP via email to As these webinars are intended to be small and targeted (20 participants max) we would be grateful if you are unable to attend to please nominate another representative.

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MCEC Sept 2024