AUSVEG and Onions Australia announce merger
AUSVEG and Onions Australia, which represent the interests of Australian vegetable, potato and onion growers, are pleased to announce a strategic merger that will see the onion industry joining with AUSVEG.
The move will expand AUSVEG’s representative footprint and provide it with a stronger voice to better advocate on behalf of vegetable, potato and onion growers.
The union, a result of thorough industry consultation and a resounding vote from Onions Australia members, signifies a new era for the onion sector, which will benefit from stronger support from increased levels of support in advocacy and industry service delivery.
The merger will leverage the combined strengths of AUSVEG’s robust advocacy capabilities and service delivery and Onions Australia’s legacy and interest in the betterment of the onion sector, benefiting onion growers and stakeholders across Australia.
“Having Onions Australia merge with AUSVEG marks a new era of growth and opportunity for the Australian onion industry, providing a robust platform for the future success of onion growers and the broader onion sector through its alignment with the broader vegetable sector,” said AUSVEG chair Bill Bulmer.
According to Onions Australia chair Darren Rathjen, the merger ensures that the onion sector maintains a significant voice within the broader vegetable and horticulture industry and that onion growers have access to greater levels of services and expertise.
“In light of a changing industry landscape and a need to secure industry representation and advocacy for onion growers, the Onions Australia Executive Committee sought an opportunity to bolster our ability to meet the needs of the Australian onion sector,” said Rathjen.
Taken from AUSVEG Media Release on 4 September 2023.