Work health and safety harmonisation
Work health and safety harmonisationHealth and Safety tips
For small business
These tips provide a great start to make your workplace safer. They're the result of the 12 OHS hazards that OHS inspectors commonly see during their visits to small businesses.
Fire Ensure extinguishers are in place, maintained and clearly marked for type of fire. All fire exits are clear and exit signs illuminated.
Electrical Plugs, sockets, switches are in good condition. Extension cords are tested and tagged. Floors are clear. Safety switches are hardwired into electrical switchboards.
Chemical Workplace chemicals register and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are current. Chemicals are handled and stored to MSDS guidelines, and employees who use chemicals are trained in their safe use.
Slips, trips and falls Work areas are kept clean, uncluttered and well lit. Employees wear suitable footwear.
Storage and racking Racking systems are stable and in good condition, and they display and comply with the specified Safe Working Load. Safe access is provided to storage areas.
Noise Eliminate or reduce noise from loud processes or equipment. Where applicable, hearing protection is available and signage indicates it must be worn.
Forklifts Forklift operators have a current licence and always wear a seatbelt. Forklifts are checked daily and regularly maintained. Traffic management plans and signage are present, and pedestrians are physically separated as much as possible.
Heights Mezzanine floors have safe access and fall protection, handrails are secure and steps are well maintained, platform ladders are industrial grade and comply with standards.
Manual handling Hazardous manual handling is eliminated. Adequate space is provided for work or storage and trolleys are used to move items. The work area is between knee and shoulder height, and is close to the worker's body.
First aid A first aid box is readily available and appropriately stocked. Qualified first aid staff are available and known to staff. Sufficient amenities are present for all staff.
Asbestos All asbestos is correctly labelled and an asbestos register is prepared and up to date. Asbestos in poor condition has been removed by a licensed asbestos removalist.
Machinery Safe access to machinery and equipment is provided. Moving parts cannot strike or reach people, and other hazards associated with machinery such as fumes, chemicals and noise have been assessed.
Health and Safety tips
For medium and large businesses
There are seven pillars of safety all medium and large employers should consider as part of a framework for ensuring ongoing, systematic and effective management of workplace health and safety matters. They are:
Senior management roles and accountability
Clear top down responsibility and KPIs for OHS/Return to Work, supplemented with suitably qualified, professional advice.
Strategic planning
A commitment to health and safety (and assisting workers to return to the workplace after injury) are part of the organisation's business plan.
Recording and reporting
Health and safety and injury claims/premium performance data is recorded and reported at director level.
Training and supervision
Managers and supervisors understand their OHS role and responsibilities and potential impacts of poor performance.
Regular, inclusive discussion with relevant staff on health and safety and return to work improvements.
Hazard management
Hazards are identified and risks controlled in a systematic way using the hierarchy of control.
Injury management
All relevant staff proactively involved and coordinated by a suitably appropriately senior and competent Return to Work Coordinator.
Mark Werman is managing director of Wentworth Advantage. For more information please contact Wentworth Advantage on 02 8448 3200 or
October 2011