Bringing Associations Together To Boost Performance


The NFP Year Ahead – 2024

The NFP Year Ahead – 2024

As we head into new year organisations are expected to navigate a range of increasingly difficult challenges. These include regulatory complexity, geopolitical risk and the blurred line between board and management, as well as rapidly evolving expectations of corporate accountability and stakeholder engagement.

Based upon an environmental scan of a number of leading organisations here are what we see to be the big issues on the agenda for Not For Profits in Australia are facing in 2024:

  1. Funding pressures: Facing increasing pressure to secure funding to support their operations and programs, in particular in areas of sponsorship, fundraising and donations.

  2. Rising costs and inflation: Experiencing rising costs and inflation, which is putting pressure on their finances.

  3. Growing demand for services: Seeing an increase in demand for their services, which is putting pressure on their resources and capacity.

  4. Workforce issues: Facing challenges in recruiting and retaining skilled workers.

  5. Widespread adoption of digital tools: NFPs are facing the challenge of adopting digital tools to improve their operations and programs.

Of course, it’s important to note that these issues are not exhaustive and may vary depending on your specific NFP organisation and its operations.

Good luck for 2024!

Tony Gleeson


Associations Forum

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