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SSAA Farewells CEO

The Self Storage Association of Australia (SSAA) farewells Susan Phillips, CEO 2016 – 2021 with their Australian and New Zealand Members thanking her for her hard work and dedication to the Association over the past five years. Susan was commended for her efforts as a tireless worker for the SSAA members, with her members leaving their thanks and comments in the recent edition of their magazine, Inside. “Susan Phillips will be sadly missed in her role of Executive Officer of the SSAA, reuniting many members over her tenure and helping grow the association, her steady hand over our recent difficult times has been welcome and Susan has been a tireless worker for members. The association owes a depth of gratitude to her for her service to our industry and her oversight over the many projects that the SSAA has delivered on. I wish her the best or her future endeavours”. Click here to read more.

Taken from Edition 120 August/September 2021, Insider (SSAA).

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